Jobs NYC

Job Information

USIC Gas Service/Fusion Inspection Technician (Substantial Pay Increases Within 24 Months) in New York City, New York

Job Description:

The starting pay for this position is $16.50/hr. while training and $18/hr. once fully qualified and working independently in the field with scheduled pay increases to $24.25/hr. within 18-24 months.

Do you want to start your career with a company that values integrity, dedication, and hard work every single day? We want to offer you competitive pay, a generous benefits package, and opportunities for advancement.

As leaders in the utility industry concentrating, on quality and safety, RECONN is looking for people to join our team who are problem solvers, take pride in public safety and are comfortable in a fast paced, exciting work environment.

Currently RECONN is seeking Fusion Inspection Technicians for the New York City Area/Westchester County (Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Westchester).


Our Fusion Inspection Technicians are responsible for performing a visual inspection on plastic gas pipe fusions and joints, collecting GPS coordinates on gas pipe fusions and related equipment, collection of tracking and traceability data on client gas assets, and reporting abnormal operating conditions that may exist. The position also requires accurate documentation of all inspections performed and all client assets encountered during the course of the inspection.

This position requires you to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions and use a company provided tablet, smart phone, and GPS equipment to accurately document all records.

Utility services experience is preferred, but not necessary.

W h y You ' ll Love Wo rk i n g for Us ( O u r B e n e fi t s ) :

  • 100% p aid t r ai n i n g – We ' r e in v e sted in you, s t a rting on your f irst day.

  • H i g h - qu a l ity c o mp a n y v e h icle – This me a ns you won't be put t ing m i l ea ge on your p e rson a l v e hicle for wo r k.

  • Cell phone a n d e qu i p m e n t – Adv a n ce d t e c hnology you c a n c ount on.

  • Daily p ay – A cce ss your p a y wh e n you n e e d it mos t . I nstantly tr a ns f e r yo u r e a rnings to your b a nk s a me d a y.

  • Co mp re h e n sive i n s u r a nc e o p tions – A v a ri e ty of e x ce l l e nt insur a n c e c h oic e s including medi ca l, dent a l, v i sion, a nd l i f e .

  • 401(k) w ith c o mp a n y m at c h – W e will h e lp you s a ve for the long t e rm w i th our c ompeti t ive 401 ( k) e mp l oy e r m a tch p r o g r a m.

  • PTO a n d p aid h ol id ays – S o you ca n sp e nd t i me w i th your lov e d on e s.

  • T ec h Heal t h D e sk – D e dic a ted re p r e s e n t a t i v e s to g e t you wh a t you ne e d wh e n you n ee d i t .

  • E m p loyee d iscou n ts & p er k s - Outs t a nding d i s c ounts a t m a jor re taile r s a nd s e rvi c e provid e rs.

    What We Need from You (Our Requirements):

  • Must be able to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions; outdoor experience preferred

  • Employment is contingent upon passing All relevant qualification exams and All annual relevant requalification exams to retain position.

  • Must be able to walk, bend, and lift up to 75 pounds

  • Must be able to climb up/down ladder to depth of 10+ ft. (with or without a reasonable accommodation)

  • Must be able to work overtime and weekends as required

  • Must be proficient in the use of smartphones/tablets, including data entry

  • Must be able to communicate professionally with both company and client personnel

  • Must pass a drug screen

  • Valid driver's license and safe driving record required

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
